Comet 168P/Hergenrother: hi-res image (23 Oct. 2012)

Comet 168P. 23 Oct. 2012, 20:50 UT

Comet 168P. 23 Oct. 2012, 20:50 UT

Comet 168P/Hergenrother is still closely monitored at the Virtual Telescope, after our previous very interesting views of this object .

On Oct. 23, with a good seeing of 1.6″, several images were collected, using a short integration time (30 seconds). Picking the best ones (seven frames) and averaging them, we obtained the image above. No processing other than dark and flat calibration was performed. The nuclear region looks very interesting.

Images were taken uning the C14 robotic unit per of the Virtual Telescope Project.


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