On this page some you can find some of our online events, recorded and made available for the public.
Our contributions on national Italian TVs are included.
Please note that not only our events are recorded, this is why you do not find all of them here. If something is not shown on this list, it just means that it was not recorded for the podcast.
Thank you for your interest in our online transmissions!
Feel free to select the podcast you like from the list below.
NOTE: all our podcasts are now available on our youtube channel here.
Online events
- “Geminids 2017“: 13/14 Dec. 2017
- “Partial Lunar Eclipse in Rome above the Colosseum“: 07 Aug. 2017
- “Asteroid Day 2016“: 30 June 2016
- “Comet P/2016 BA14 Panstarrs: a historic close encounter”: 21 & 22 Mar. 2016
- “The Moon meets Aldebaran: online observation of the lunar occultation“: 23 Dec. 2015
- “4 April 2015: Total Lunar Eclipse – live event, online“: 04/04/2015
- “Shadows around Jupiter: Callisto eclipses Ganymede“: 02/04/2015
- “C’era una volta il Cielo Stellato: inquinamento luminoso e risparmio energetico“: 27/10/2014
- “Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 SC324 very close encounter“: 24/10/2014
- “Planet Mars and comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring fly-by“: 19/10/2014
- “Total Lunar Eclipse“: 08/10/2014
- “Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 RC very close encounter“: 06/09/2014
- “Ceres and Vesta conjunction“: 05/07/2014
- “Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2014 HQ124 close encounter“: 10/06/2014
- “Near-Earth 2014 KH39 very close encounter“: 03/06/2014
- “Camelopardalids meteor shower: a report – 24 May 2014“: 29/05/2014
- “29 April Solar Eclipse: live, observation“: 29/04/2014
- “Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 HV2 very close encounter” 28/04/2014
- “Stars for All!“: 21/04/2014
- “Total Lunar Eclipse“: 15/04/2014
- “Vesta Watch: observing asteroid Vesta“: 10/04/2014
- “The Night of the Red Planet“: 08/04/2014
- “Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 GN1 very close encounter“: 06/04/2014
- “Online Messier Marathon – 6th edition“: 01/04/2014
- “Supernova SN 2014J in Messier 82 live event” – 25/01/2014
- “Near-Earth asteroid 2013 YL2 close encounter” – 02/01/2014
- “Near-Earth asteroid 2013 XY8 close encounter” – 10/12/2013
- “Big Dipper to Southern Cross 2013″: the northern journey – 27/07/2013
- “Pan-STARRS: la cometa che fa primavera” -21/03/2013
- “Asteroid 2013 EC close encounter: live observing session” – 03/03/2013
- “Asteroide 2012 DA14: un passaggio da record” – 15/02/2013
- “Walking on the Moon” – GAM2011 – 12/4/2011
- “Stars for All!” – GAM2011 – 9/4/2011
Radio & Television
- “Supernova superluminosa ASASSN-15lh e asteroide ‘Frosinone’” – Geo – 28/01/2016
- “Luminosità Sole e Luna; cometa Pan-STARRS”– “Cose dell’altro Geo” – 27/03/2013 (in Italian)
- “Meteorite sulla Russia”– “Cose dell’altro Geo” – 27/02/2013 (in Italian)
- “Età e vita del Sole” – “Cose dell’altro Geo” – 27/02/2013 (in Italian)
- “Eventi astronomici 2013 e peso sulla Luna” – “Cose dell’altro Geo” – 14/01/2013 (in Italian)
- “Asteroidi pericolosi e notte più breve” – “Cose dell’altro Geo” – 17/12/2012 (in Italian)
- “Inquinamento luminoso e definizione di anno” – “Cose dell’altro Geo” – 12/11/2012 (in Italian)
- “La Stella più vicina” – “Cose dell’altro Geo” – 16/10/2012 (in Italian)
- “La Cometa di Natale” – “A Sua Immagine” – 06/01/2011 (in Italian)
- “Eclissi parziale di Sole 4 gennaio 2011” – TG1 – 4/1/2011 (in Italian)
- “Velocità della luce” – “Cose dell’altro Geo”- 13/12/2010 (in Italian)
- “Stella Polare e dintorni” – “Cose dell’altro Geo” – 14/11/2010 (in Italian)
- “Pianeti e Mercurio” – “Cose dell’altro Geo” – 1/11/2010 (in Italian)
- “Everybody’s Universe” – Adnkronos – 12/3/2010 (in Italian)
- “Inquinamento Luminoso” – “Geo&Geo” – 29/1/2009 (in Italian)
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