Moon-Mars conjunction: online observation – 9 Feb. 2025
On 9 Feb. 2025, the Moon and the bright planet Mars will shine in the same spot of the sky, within half-a-degree. We will show the show live, online: join us from the comfort...
conjunction / event / free / planets / the Moon
On 9 Feb. 2025, the Moon and the bright planet Mars will shine in the same spot of the sky, within half-a-degree. We will show the show live, online: join us from the comfort...
We present a image of the Great Orion Nebula (aka Messier 42), taken with a H-alpha filter. The image above comes from the average of 16, 300-second unguided exposures, remotely taken with the ARTEC250+Paramount...
Here we present supernova SN 2025qe in the beautiful spiral galaxy IC 529. The image above comes from the average of 7, 120-second, unguided exposures, unfiltered, remotely taken with the (PlaneWave 17″ + Paramount...
We observed supernova SN 2025oq in the barred spiral galaxy NGC 2744 and here we present our image. The image above comes from the average of 5, 120-second, unguided exposures, unfiltered, remotely taken with...
We imaged supernova SN 2024admc in the spiral galaxy UGC 1778, see our image below. The image above comes from the average of 6, 120-second, unguided exposures, unfiltered, remotely taken with the (PlaneWave 17″...
The Messier 108 galaxy and the Messier 97, “Owl” planetary nebula form a wonderful pair in the Northern sky, here imaged with our astrograph. The image above comes from the average of 30, 120-second...
We imaged the near-Earth Asteroid 2025 BB2, going to have a very close, but safe encounter with the Earth on 4 Feb. 2025, coming as close as 291.000 km from us, 76% of the...
Next 5 Feb. 2025, the Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (6239) Minos will have a relatively close, but obviously safe encounter with the Earth, coming as close as 14.8 millions of km from us. Here we...
This beautiful image shows the bright planet Jupiter and the ruby Aldebaran, with plenty of blue stars from the Hyades. The image above comes from the average of five, 120-second exposures, remotely taken with...
We are pleased to share some images of the ongoing planetary parade, with six planets visibile at a glance, taken from our robotic facility in Italy. We also provide the podcast of our live...
The famous “Leo Triplet”, including the outstanding Messier 65, Messier 66 and NGC 3628 galaxies, is one of the best know groups of galaxies in the sky. Here it is, captured under the darkest...
Messier 106 (al known as NGC 4258) is one of the most beautiful galaxies out there and we are pleased to share our image here. The image above comes from the average of 25,...
The Andromeda Galaxy, also known as Messier 31 and considered the Milky Way’s elder sister, is one of the most important astronomical objects in our sky. We are pleased to share with you an...
We imaged supernova SN 2024aeee and its host barred spiral galaxy NGC 2523, sharing our picture below. The image above comes from the average of 13, 300-second, unguided exposures, unfiltered, remotely taken with the...
– Moon-Mars conjunction (9 Feb. 2025)