Near-Earth asteroid 2015 JF1 is coming closer than the Moon next 15 May, 2015

Near-Earth Asteroid 2015 JF1: orbit

Near-Earth Asteroid 2015 JF1: orbit

On 14 May 2015, the Minor Planet Center announced the discovery by the Mount Lemmon Survey of a 10-meters large asteroid going to safely brush us tomorrow. This small, bus-sized minor planet will be at 0.79 lunar distances (about 300.000 km) from the Earth surface next 15 May, at 11:52 UT, accordingly to the Minor Planet Center.

As written above, there are no risks at all for our planet and this close encounter will simply be a spectacular sight for those able to spot the object. Its maximum brightness, a few hours before the fly-by,  will not exceed magnitude 16.5 or so, so large scopes are needed to spot it visually.

At Virtual Telescope we will try to capture an image this evening.

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