Jupiter: rotation

[hana-flv-player video=’https://www.virtualtelescope.eu/wordpress/jupiter_26nov2011.flv’/ width=”640″

Jupiter is the largest planet orbiting our Sun and its rotational period is less than 10 hours.

On Nov. 26, 2011, G. Masi obtained almost 1.000 CCD images (!) – back to back – of the planet, covering about 3.4 hours, then they were properly aligned and assembled as a movie. The result is visible in the animation above (please wait for the animation to be completely loaded, then enjoy it at full speed: it will start running automatically, once completely loaded, just wait and see!).

Please note that every frame is a single, raw image, as no image processing was performed.

Images were captured with the Celestron C14″, part of the Virtual Telescope Project. A blue filter was used,  to “kill” the otherwise too high luminosity. The OTA is installed on aParamount ME mount, by Software Bisque. The CCD camera is a SBIG ST8-XME. The image scale is of 0.62″/pixel.

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