Ceres and Vesta close conjunction: an image (3 July 2014)

The dwarf planet (1) Ceres and the asteroid (4) Vesta

The dwarf planet (1) Ceres and the asteroid (4) Vesta

Next 5 July, we will show live the amazing, rare conjunction between the dwarf planet Ceres and the asteroid Vesta. While waiting for this big show, we captured this view already showing the couple so close in perspective.

The image is a single 60-seconds exposure, remotely taken with the 14″ robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope. The field of view is 10’x15′, so it is clear that the two bodies are in a patch of sky smaller than the angular size of the Moon.

A satellite trail is also visible, enriching the view.

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1 Response

  1. Jack says:

    ‘ve never seen an asteroid. Was hoping to catch this pairing, but my timing was off and I’m back under city lights tonite, but was lucky to see the moon pass close to Mars.

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