20 March 2015: Partial Solar Eclipse – live event, online!

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20 March 2015 Solar Eclipse: poster

20 March 2015 Solar Eclipse: poster

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Next 20 March 2015, the Sun will offer a wonderful eclipse, going to be total in a narrow strip on the northern polar region, being partial in most of Europe and surroundings. The Virtual Telescope Project will cover it live, sharing the event in real-time with the world, via its web TV.

The online coverage is scheduled for 20 March 2015, starting at 08:15 UT.

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Call for eclipse observers.

At Virtual Telescope we will be broadcasting the 20 Mar. solar eclipse live, via the web. Our event is already getting planetary exposure. We would like to involve other observers spread above Europe, willing to send us their images while they are taking them, so that we can show them to the world in real time. Of course, we will properly credit every contributors. Such an international cooperation was experimented by The Virtual Telescope Project several times, always providing a giant return.

Joining these plans is extremely easy, you should be only able to send images while you are observing the eclipse.

If you are interested, please just let us know by email to info@virtualtelescope.eu

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Join us on March 20, starting at 08:15 Universal Time! You just need to access our online webTV, click here!


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2 Responses

  1. William says:

    Anyway we can get an e-mail or other heads-up before the solar eclipse on March 20th?

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