Supernova ASASSN-16fq (2016cok) in Messier 66: an image (03 July 2016)

Supernova ASASSN-16fq (2016cok) in Messier 66: 03 July 2016

Supernova ASASSN-16fq (2016cok) in Messier 66: 03 July 2016

One month after our last observations, we wanted to image this important supernova again.

The image above comes from the average of five, 60-seconds exposures, unfiltered, remotely collected with the PlaneWave 17″+Paramount ME+SBIG STL-6303E robotic unit part of the Virtual Telescope Project. The supernova was estimated at mag. 16.0 (R mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4), so it was significantly brighter than in our previous visit. The target was at less than 30 deg. above the western horizon, while the twilight was still strong.

Unfortunately, the target is leaving the sky, conclusing its obserbing season. It will not be easy to grab it again.

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