Live event: “Asteroid 2012 DA14: a record close approach”

** LIVE VIEW of asteroid 2012 DA14: click here! **

Asteroid 2006 VV2 close encounter tracked at the Virtual Telescope

Asteroid 2006 VV2 close encounter tracked at the Virtual Telescope

The Virtual Telescope Project is proud to invite you to a very spectacular online event, almost a once in a lifetime chance.

On 15 Feb. 2013, asteroid 2012 DA14 will make a record approach to our planet, reaching a minimum distance of less than 30.000 km (!), significantly less than many artificial satellites. Of corse, no risks at all for our planet, just a very spectacular event!

This rock, with a diameter around 50 meters and an estimated mass of 130.000 tons, will make the closest approach we can predict so far in the future, considering the whole asteroids known to date.

We are proud to offer you a chance to see this asteroid in real time, online, for free. On Feb 15, at 22:00 Universal Time, we will broadcast live images through the web, with the live commentary of our acclaimed scientific staff.

As usual, you will just need to join our live WebTV page.

** LIVE VIEW of asteroid 2012 DA14: click here! **


We are sure you will not miss this unique opportunity!


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23 Responses

  1. SA Peter says:

    I am excited that such an event will be made available for many to see. You guys are great.

  2. I await the actual live viewing coming in under two hours.
    This viewing will be of great interest to many that do not have the resources to view this asteroid directly.
    Many thanks to those that performed such a wonderful service to so many around the globe!

  3. Bob Allen says:

    What will its magnitude be then?

  4. por que costelaciones se espera su paso ????

  5. Dz says:

    It’s the first time in history so many will be able to document this. A little like this mornings meteor in Russia – first recorded by so many. Technology is wonderful.

  6. martino says:

    Complimenti per lo spettacolo offerto. esiste una possibilità per cui il meteorite su chelyabinsk sia collegato al bolide su cuba

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