Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 DX110 very close encounter: online event (5 Mar. 2014)

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Near-Earth asteroid 2014 DX110: orbital position, 5 Mar. 2014

Near-Earth asteroid 2014 DX110: orbital position, 5 Mar. 2014

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Next 5 Mar. 2014, at 21:07 UT, the 30-meters large asteroid 2014 DX110 will made a very close approach with the Earth, reaching a minimum distance of less than 350.000 km, that is 0.9 lunar distances.

Of course, this is a very safe distance, but still a very spectacular circumstance, so  the Virtual Telescope Project will offer a live, online event sharing real-time images of 2014 DX110 with live commentary by our scientific staff.

We will cover the very moment of the fly-by.

The online, free session is scheduled for 5 Mar. 2014, starting at 20:30 UT.

To join, you just need to enter, at the date and time above, our webTV page here!


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