Iridium 45 satellite flares above the Roman Forum – 5 Sept. 2018

On the evening of Sept. the 5th, 2018, the Iridium 45 satellite made a very bright (mag. -7.5) above Rome. We captured it above the glory of the Roman Forum and the Colosseum, providing a unique experience.

The Iridium 55 satellite flares as bright as mag. -7.5 above the Roman Forum and the Colosseum - 5 Sept. 2018

The Iridium 55 satellite flares as bright as mag. -7.5 above the Roman Forum and the Colosseum – 5 Sept. 2018

While the Iridium satellites will be dismissed soon, I continue to track and image the most spectacular ones, especially when they provide a unique, precious sight.

Last 5 September, the Iridium 45 flare was expected to produce a very bright flash, around mag. -7.5, before then end of the twilight. As it was showing South-East, I decided to image it from one of my favorite locations, unique in the world, adding the legendary signature of Rome, the Eternal City. I wanted the flare to show above the Roman Forum, with the Colosseum part of the view, a unique place I have enjoyed hundreds of time, never getting tired to see it.

I reached that place 30 minutes in advance, as usual, quickly setting up my equipment and waiting for the flare event. Meantime, I truly enjoyed the sight of the Forum at the beginning of the evening. Other people there did the same, attracted by what I was mysteriously doing.

The Iridium flare happened on time. I captured its peak and I must say that seeing it by naked eye was astonishing.

I hope the image above is able to bring to you the experience I had and, more importantly, will inspire you to go outside and look up, even from the city: the night sky is always rewarding!

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