Monthly Archive: April 2013

Saturn Watch - GAM2013

“Around the Ringed Planet” – -27 Apr. 2013, 22:30 UT

Next event: “Around the ringed planet” – 27 Apr. 2013, 22:30 UT [advanced_iframe securitykey=”4ca32ca5dd0a687beca862dacb8dd1a8769b1f01″] Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011 UL21, taken...

M 3

M 3 – CVn

In the poorly known constellation of Canes Venatici there is a wonderful globular cluster, for many observers the finest in the northern skies only after M 13. It is Messier 3 (more data). A...

M 92

M 92 – Her

Often forgotten because of its very famous neighbor M 13,  Messier 92 (more data) is an amazing globular cluster, initially discovered by Johann Elert Bode in 1777. Placed a bit further than its big brother, M 92...

Comet C/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS: 18 Apr. 2013

Comet C/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS: 18 Apr. 2013

On 18 Apr. 2013, after the Online Messier Marathon, the Virtual Telescope visited comet C/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS . This is the third morning in a row. Above is the average of 15 unfiltered images,...

Messier 66, a color view

Messier 66 in Leo: a colour view

Looking at the sky and its depths, one is impressed by the unmatched beauty she/he meets up there. But some objects “shines” with their special charm. Among them, Messier 66. Placed at about 35...

M 5

M 5 – Ser

Among the most spectacular deep sky objects there are globular clusters. These very crowded families of stars (reaching sometime the number of one million!) live in the so called galactic halo: a spherical region...

Comet C/2012 S1 "Ison": 14 Apr. 2013

Comet C/2012 S1 Ison: 14 Apr. 2013 image

  Comet C/2012 S1 “Ison” is slowly approaching the Sun and the world is waiting for its potentially bright apparition late this year. The Virtual Telescope Project continues to monitor it The image above...

Online Star Party: 14 April 2013

Online Star Party – 14 April 2013

Last 14 April, the Virtual Telescope hosted an online star party, organized by the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club (NOVAC). It was also opened to all those willing to join it online. While the telescope...