Monthly Archive: March 2013

NGC 6992

NGC 6992 – Cyg

NGC 6992 is part of the famous “Veil Nebula”, the remnant of a supernova exploded about 10.000 years ago. Its distance is estimated in about 1500 light years and it is in the same...

“Luminosità Sole e Luna; cometa Pan-STARRS” – Cose dell’Altro Geo

“Luminosità Sole e Luna; cometa Pan-STARRS” – Cose dell’Altro Geo

[fvplayer src=””]Rai Tre, “Cose dell’altro Geo”, 27 Marzo 2013 Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011 UL21, taken at...

Locandina evento

Pan-STARRS: la cometa che fa primavera

Registrazione evento online del 21 marzo 2013,  in occasione del passaggio della cometa C/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS. Una collaborazione tra “Ansa Scienza&Tecnica” e “Virtual Telescope Project”.   Back to “Podcast” page   Support The Virtual...

Supernova SN 2013am in Messier 65

Supernova SN 2013am in Messier 65

On 21.637 Mar. 2013, M. Sugano, Kakogawa, Hyogo-ken, Japan reported the discovery of an apparent supernova in Messier M65. The candidate was published on the Transient Object Confirmation Page of the Central Bureau for...

Comet Pan-STARRS imaged on 21 Mar. 2013

Pan-STARRS, the Spring bringer

On 21 Mar. 2013, the traditional start of Spring (that this year began on 20th), the Virtual Telescope Project, together with the Science & Tech channel of ANSA (the main news agency in Italy)...

Messier 66, imaged with the 17" robotic unit

Messier 66: a new, deep image

When it started operations early in 2011, the PlaneWave 17″ robotic unit, part of the Virtual Telescope Project imaged Messier 66,  a very nice spiral  galaxy, about 36 millions of light years from us and...

NGC 2903

NGC 2903 – Leo

From a distance of almost 30 millions of light year, lurking among the stars of Leo, the elegance of the barred spiral of NGC 2903 is astonishing. The central core of this realm of...

Comet Pan-STARRS: online, live observing session: 16 Mar. 2013

Comet Pan-STARRS: online, live observing session: 16 Mar. 2013

** Comet Pan-STARRS online, LIVE observation here! ** C/2011 L4 (Panstarrs): star chart We have been waiting it for more than one year, now the waiting is over: comet C/2011 L4 Pan-STARRS is here. The Virtual...

Asteroid 2013 ET: a video from the Virtual Telescope

Asteroid 2013 ET: a video from the Virtual Telescope

An hi-res version of this animation is available here While getting closer, asteroid 2013 ET was tracked by the Virtual Telescope robotic facility in Italy. This about 100-meters large asteroid will reach a minimum distance...