NGC 6992 – Cyg
NGC 6992 is part of the famous “Veil Nebula”, the remnant of a supernova exploded about 10.000 years ago. Its distance is estimated in about 1500 light years and it is in the same area were NGC 6960 is located. It was discovered by W. Herschel in 1784.
This image was captured with the Planewave 17″ unit, part of the Virtual Telescope Project. A total of 13 exposures, with 5 minutes of integration each, were averaged; a 90% Moon was present and quite high in the sky. Images were taken through an H-Alpha filter (7nm) and were unguided, completely trusting the Paramount ME mount, by Software Bisque. The CCD camera is a SBIG STL-6303E. The image scale is of 1.2 “/pixel.
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