Cosmic Encounter: comet Pan-STARRS meets the Great Andromeda Galaxy

Cosmic Encounter Live Event

Cosmic Encounter Live Event

While leaving the inner Solar System, comet Pan-STARRS continues surfing our skies and next 4 Apr. 2013 it will cross the spot of the sky where Messier 31, the Great Andromeda Galaxy, is. Of course, it will only be a prospective close approach: the comet will be around 100 millions of km away, while M31 at km.

We will show this cosmic encounter online, live, on our webTV, with real-time commentary by our scientific staff. This is a unique opportunity, do not miss it!

To join this free event, you just need to access, on 4 April. at 20:00 UT our webTV page


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1 Response

  1. khushalpatel says:

    I like to watch this things

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