Monthly Archive: February 2013

“Meteorite sulla Russia” – Cose dell’Altro Geo

“Meteorite sulla Russia” – Cose dell’Altro Geo

[fvplayer src=””]Rai Tre, “Cose dell’altro Geo”, 27 Febbraio 2013 Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011 UL21, taken at...

“Età e vita del Sole” – Cose dell’Altro Geo

“Età e vita del Sole” – Cose dell’Altro Geo

[fvplayer src=””]Rai Tre, “Cose dell’altro Geo”, 27 Febbraio 2013 Back to “Podcast” page Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support us! Please, donate and receive an EXCLUSIVE image of potentially hazardous asteroid 2011 UL21, taken at...

Near-Earth asteroid 2012 DA14

Asteroide 2012 DA14: un passaggio da record

Registrazione evento online del 15 febbraio 2013,  in occasione del passaggio dell’asteroide 2012 DA14. Una collaborazione tra “Ansa Scienza&Tecnica” e “Virtual Telescope Project”. Back to “Podcast” page   Support The Virtual Telescope Project! Support...

The fireball over Chelyabinsk, Russia

Amazing, bright bolide over Russia!

While the world is waiting for asteroid 2012 DA14 later today, something spectacular happened in Russia a few hours ago (about 15 Feb. 2013, 03:30UT), above the city of Chelyabinsk. A very bright fireball...

Nova Cephei 2013: a low res spectrum

Nova Cephei 2013: low-res spectrum

The Virtual Telescope observed Nova Cep 2013 recently and, in addition to ordinary imaging, we performed low-res spectroscopy, remotely using the Celestron C14 robotic unit, equipped with a 100 lines/mm grating. Spectroscopy was very...

Nova Cephei 2013

Nova in Cepheus: Feb. 2013

Last 2 Feb. 2013, K.Nishiyama and F. Kabashima (Japan) reported the discovery of a possible nova in Cepheus. This star is well located in the sky for northern observers at the beginning of the night....