Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (285263) 1998 QE2 close encounter: online event (31 May 2013)

See asteroid 1998 QE2 live HERE!

Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (285263) 1998 QE2 close approach (31 May 2013)

Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (285263) 1998 QE2 close approach (31 May 2013)

Next 31 May 2013 at 20:59 UT, potentially hazardous asteroid (PHA) 285263 (1998 QE2) will reach a minimum distance from the Earth of 5.8 millions of km. This is a very safe distance, so no risks at all for our planet. It will be a nice opportunity to spy this 2.1 km large asteroid moving across the stars.

Us usual with these asteroids, the Virtual Telescope Project will offer a live, online event sharing real-time images of 285263 (1998 QE2) with live commentary by our scientific staff.

The online event is scheduled for 31 May 2013, starting at 21:00 UT.

See asteroid 1998 QE2 live HERE!


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1 Response

  1. Mike Sylvester says:

    Awaiting Asteroid

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