Supernova SN 2017fgc in NGC 474: an image (28 July 2017)
A bright supernova, SN 2017fgc, was recently discovered in the galaxy NGC 474, making a nice pair with NGC 470. Of course, we had a quick look.
The image above is the average of five, 180-seconds exposures, remotely taken with “Elena” (PlaneWave 17″+Paramount ME+SBIG STL-6303E) robotic unit available at Virtual Telescope. The image scale is 1.2″/pixel. Supernova SN 2017fgc is marked with two red lines.
We used the images above to perform photometry, finding for the transient a magnitude of 13.7 (unfiltered, R-mags for the reference stars from UCAC-4). The host galaxy, the elliptic galaxy NGC 474, is placed at somewhat 100 millions of light years from us.
Further follow-up will follow in the next months.
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